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Meet Nick Wilson, ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

I’ve known Nick Wilson for almost an entire college-year now, and it was not a big decision for me to choose him as this week’s Pitt Campus Cutie (it’s what you do when you’re dating the guy). I’ve known him as a focused, driven college student and as a sensitive and personable friend. He may seem shy, but once he gets to know you, he’s one of the best people to hang out with. He keeps me laughing and on my toes. And he doesn’t mind when I tease him—always a sign of a best friend. When I told him (note: I didn’t ask if he’d be willing so much as order him to answer my questions) that I would be interviewing him for Her Campus, he ruffled his hair and gave his trademark half-smile. He then asked, “This may seem like a dumb question, but why is it called Campus Cuties?” Typical. I laughed and told him exactly what it meant and he squinted at me. “That’s a lot of pressure, Priya.” But he pulled through in the end, even displaying his humor when I least expected it. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you *drumroll please* Campus Cutie Nick Wilson!

The Facts:

Name: Nick Wilson

Year: 2014

Hometown: Cheltenham, PA

Major: Biology

Relationship Status: Taken (sorry, girls!)


HC: Do you have any hidden talent(s)?

NW: I’m a pretty average guy, but if I had to choose a talent, it would be that I can identify birds visually and by their calls. I took a class called Ornithology at Pitt’s Pymatuning Lab of Ecology last summer and I guess I’m hooked now. I’m even looking for new binoculars and I have a bird app on my phone. I know, it’s geeky.


HC: Three words to describe yourself?

NW: Wow, three whole words…honest, diligent, and trustworthy, I think. Or you could just make up three words to describe me. It’s not like you don’t know me really well (valid point, but no).


HC: Favorite pick-up line?

NW: I don’t use any… *picks up his phone and Google searches ‘Pick-up lines’* But if I did, it would be “baby, you must be a broom cuz you sweep me off my feet.  Oh look, it made you laugh!”


HC: What is your ideal date night?

NW: Probably a nice dinner and a walk in a park or around the city.


HC: What’s the first thing on your bucket list?

NW: Travel, probably a road trip around the USA.


HC: What is the craziest thing you’ve done to show your Pitt pride?

NW: My roommate has a pair of blue-and-gold overalls. I wore them to a game once. That was strange.


HC: If you could be any character from a TV show, which one would you be?

NW: BMO from Adventure Time (he gets a really ditzy look in his eye when he talks about this show, it’s almost fanatical).


HC: What’s the first thing you notice about a girl?

NW: Her eyes.


HC: If you could have any one superpower….?

NW: It would be cool to move things with my mind.


HC: What is your favorite place to be on campus?

NW: Sitting out by the fountain at the Frick Fine Arts Building.


HC: What is one thing you have learned about Pitt this semester?

NW: I guess I learned how cyclic the University is. I came here as a freshman knowing nothing about college life, and then I saw campus transform over the past few years. And now, as a senior, I see the same thing happen to the new freshmen. It’s a strange cycle.


HC: Best thing a girl has ever said to you?

NW: “You changed my life.” (I feel like I said that…)


HC: Fun fact about yourself?

NW: I’m a Phish and general live music fanatic. I booked stadium seating at a concert series in the summer with my roommate and I can’t wait!


HC: If today was your last day on Earth, what would you do?

NW: Observe nature. Hopefully the last day on Earth is a sunny day. I’d probably admire landscapes and life.


HC: Name one song that defines you?

NW: “Waste” by Phish


HC: If you could be any food item, what would you be?

NW: I’d probably be a pulled pork sandwich because they taste so good!


HC: If you could travel to any place, all expenses paid, and live there for a year, where would you go?

NW: For a year? Travel anywhere for a year…? Jeez, I don’t know. I don’t like these questions. But in reality, probably Australia to see all the different wildlife and landscapes. And yes, Ayers Rock too.


HC: What do you look for in a partner?

NW: I look for someone who shares my personality traits, some of my interests, but she has to be different from me too so that I can learn about them in that way. I like getting to know people who are at least a little different from me because someone who’s exactly the same would be boring to be with. I like introducing people to new things too.


HC: What’s your biggest pet peeve? Or turn-off?

NW: (Starts laughing) People asking me my pet peeve. I hate that! No, but actually, probably when people offer me Bibles. Like, you’re just walking on campus and some nice old lady says “hi” and then starts chasing you with a Bible. It’s freaky. Or when people publicly advertise their beliefs… it’s really frustrating. I can’t stand that.


HC: If a girl asked you out, would you be impressed or scared?

NW: I would be impressed. I don’t know what to say about that. I’d be flattered that she basically went out of her way, or against the traditional view of dating.


HC: One Funny Story?

NW: Oh, okay. In high school, my friend invited me over to play guitar and listen to music. He gave me his old house number by mistake; he had moved down the street and I didn’t know he had. I went to the old house and knocked on the door and was invited in by a woman who thought I was coming over to see her own son, who just happened to have the same name as my friend. Isn’t that a weird coincidence? I sat around for five awkward minutes and the woman was like “oh, I didn’t know you were coming over. My son didn’t say anything.” And then her son came in and I was like “who the hell is this?” That was completely embarrassing. I ran.

I'm a senior at the University of Pittsburgh who loves traveling the world, writing, and college life in general. My majors are Environmental Studies and Biology, but I want to focus on journalism too if possible. I'm super passionate about Model United Nations, of which I am now president (yay!), and the environment. I'm a very happy, enthusiastic person who loves pickles and twizzlers and brightly-colored nailpolish and long dangly earrings, among other things. Her Campus is my favourite website and I'm so excited to be a part of Pitt's campus chapter!
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt