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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.


Name: Adam Greenfield

Hometown: Yardley, Pennsylvania

Major: Biological Sciences

Relationship Status: Single

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

HC: What are your plans with your major?

I want to go to grad school for forensic science. Ideally I’d like to work for the government or the state municipality helping to solve crimes.


HC: Why Pitt?

I loved the city feel without the campus being terribly big. It’s also just a flat-out better school then Penn State.


HC: Who do you look up to?

That would definitely be my father because he was always a great example for us and showed my brother and I that we can be whoever we want by working hard enough, and that there are no limitations to life.


HC: What are your hobbies?

Playing club baseball, listening to music, and playing basketball.


HC: So we know you play on the club baseball team, but do you have any hidden talents?

I don’t mean to brag but I can give a pretty killer massage ;) I also enjoy cooking.

HC: Favorite Movie?

Oh, I’d have to say Shawshank Redemption. There isn’t really a reason, it’s just a fantastic movie.


HC: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

First I would help my parents pay off any loans they may have because they’ve been supporting my brother and I for our entire lives. Next I would probably donate some money to the Boys and Girls Club in Trenton New Jersey because my brother and I grew up playing basketball there. Next I would buy a really nice watch and with the extra money shower the lovely Emily Bt with endless Chinese food for a year.


HC: So we know you love sports, but do you have a softer side? What’s your guilty pleasure?

I am a sucker for good jazz music and I really like to get dressed up and go to jazz concerts.


HC: Where would be your ideal place to live in the world?

I would love to live anywhere in a climate where the weather is always sunny and beautiful because I’m an outdoorsy guy and I’d love to be able to do outdoor activities all the time.


HC: So, you mean to tell me that you’re sweet, generous, AND an outdoorsy guy?

Yes, yes I am… and humble. Just kidding! I love a girl with a good sense of humor because I can definitely dish it out.

HC: Watch out girls we’ve got a lady killer on our hands! What are your favorite outdoor activities?

I love to play tennis. It’s such a fun yet frustrating game. I also love to go on bike rides and white water rafting.


HC: What qualities do you look for in a girlfriend?

Someone who avoids drama, is adventurous, wiling to try new things, and someone who I know I can trust. Honesty is big with me.


HC: What about personality?

Well since I’m a little on the shy side, I would say someone who is more outgoing then me.


HC: Finish this statement “I love a girl who can…..”

Sit down and enjoy a sporting event and actually be able to converse about it.


HC: Ideal first date?

I would say a Pirates game because it’s a great atmosphere to get to know someone. You can talk and laugh and PNC Park really has a beautiful view of the city. 


Check out our previous Campus Cutie articles for Adam’s twin brother, Zack Greenfield!

Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt