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6 Things You Take For Granted at Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Freshman year, the first time I went home after moving in was Thanksgiving break. I remember getting dropped off at the end of my driveway and looking up at my house like it was a golden, glowing path to the gates of Heaven. Dropping my bags at the door like a weary soldier returning after long years at war, I lay on the kitchen floor spread-eagle and was overcome by how thankful I was for all the little things at home that I had taken for granted while away at school. Join me in celebrating the season of gratitude and nod along knowingly with a list of things we don’t know that we have ‘til they’re gone.

1. Private Showers

Nothing beats being able to go home and knowing that there won’t be 12 other people all vying to take a shower at the same time. You can sing, dance, and frolic naked to your heart’s content and never worry about getting a communicable disease. No shower shoes here, y’all!

2. Fresh Fruit

Back when I was a freshman, QuickZone didn’t sell fresh fruit. But honestly, those damn fridges are too small to keep anything fresh anyway. Coming home to see pears, apples, peaches, strawberries, and bananas that aren’t green and from Market makes me weep tears of joy.

3. Laundry

It’s right there! In the house!!! MADNESS! It’s become habit that I no longer pack clean clothes because it takes up space for the dirty laundry begging to be washed in a washing machine that doesn’t smell like throw up (Towers Laundry Room, calling you out). Add in free fabric softener and dryer sheets?? It’s cuddly soft perfection.

4. Free Booze

Maybe it’s just my family, but they know to have the booze handy when the children return from college. Nothing beats relaxing after a long day of doing nothing by watching some HBO with a glass of wine that isn’t Franzia.

5. Nutella

IT’S SO EXPENSIVE. Like, no, QuickZone, I am not going to spend $6.00 on Nutella no matter how tempting it is. And now that I’m living off-campus, I am most certainly balling on a budget, and that budget sure as heck doesn’t include Nutella. That’s why when I go home, I put Nutella on literally everything. Nutella on cheese sticks? I’ve done it. I’m not proud, but I’ve done it.

6. Quality Toilet Paper

We’ve all experienced the inevitable chafing that comes from the sandpaper that Pitt tries to pass off as toilet paper. Moving off campus has only increased the problem because I’m too cheap to spend money on quality TP. Going home means being treated to velvety soft 4-ply paradise on your cheeks, and if you say you’ve never noticed, you’re lying to yourself.

The moral of this story is: don’t take for granted the wonderful things you have. Express your gratitude this holiday season and share a little love with the ones you love. After all, they’re the ones making sure the pantry is stocked with Nutella!

Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Lover of burritos and inappropriate laughter in class. Captain, Panther Women's Rugby Football Club. Studying American Sign Language and Linguistics, Class of 2015. Once finished an entire Chapstick. H2Pizza
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