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You Know You’re a PW Major When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.

You know you’re a professional writing major when…

1. Good grammar turns you on.

2. Your friends are always asking you to edit their papers.

3. You’re fascinated whenever you discover a new vocab word.

4. Your future is slightly depressing.

5. You hope to marry an engineer so he can pay the bills while you pursue your dream.

6. You use big words on Facebook in attempts to impress people and compensate for your lack of job security. 

7. Senior level classes are one big gossip fest and awkward because you’ve probably dated atleast one person in the class.

8. You believe your fellow majors should have a reality show.

9. You’re competing with your peers for the same two on-campus internships.

10. You hate potatoes and tomatoes.

11. The word rhetoric makes you run away in terror. Or just gives you a headache.

12. Non-majors think you are weird. They’re probably right.

13. You’re antisocial except with other writing majors.

14. You express yourself better in writing than in speech.

15. You are a social drinker; You only speak to others when you drink.

16. You are awkward. You are most comfortable around other majors because they are awkward like you.

17. You have competitions to see who can be the most normal.

18. Thanks to whole-class workshops and peer edits, you know more intimate details about each other’s lives than students of any other major.

19. You tell people you major in English or journalism because you’re tired of people asking,”What is professional writing?”

20. You know what intertextuality is. It’s not plagiarism.

21. The Writing Center is your second home.

22. You see helvetica everywhere.

23. Your classes never start before 11 a.m.

24. Free t-shirts, pens, notepads, flash drives, and food.

25. You’re jealous of CAS majors. Those popular kids.

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Ashley is a senior professional writing major at Penn State.