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SGA President: Jessica Hoag

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.


Name: Jessica Hoag

Year: Junior, 5th semester

Birthday: March 27th

Zodiac sign: Aries

Major: Global Studies with a minor in Business

Hometown: Douglasville, PA

On-Campus Activities- President of SGA and an International mentor

Describe yourself in 3 words– “Passionate, open-minded and bubbly”

What is your main goal in life? “To make a difference I guess in someone’s life and to make other people’s lives better”

What do you do for fun? “I’d say hang out with friends and family. I also like to do community service. When I have time I like to go out and give back.”

What do you love the most about Penn State Berks? “I like the opportunities that are offered here, the connections you can build with amazing people, and I love the cultural experiences I can have here.”

What advice would you give to students trying to get as involved as you are on campus? “Just do it! Even if you’re scared or unsure, you just have to dive in head first! If you just say yes and you commit yourself to it, you can do whatever you want if you just motivate yourself and work hard.”

Bree McKenney is a senior Professional Writing major at Penn State Berks. She is the Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus chapter at Berks and she's also involved in the Blue&White Society. In addition to that, she is currently an RA, Peer Mentor, Multicultural Mentor, and a S.A.I.L. Mentor. She loves fashion and has been writing style blogs for Her Campus for a year now.