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Real Live College Guy Ed: Is Chivalry Dead?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.
Dear Women of Berks,
Even though guys are complete bastards you still want to date them. We’re living in a strange world where gender lines are blurred and there is general confusion throughout the dating world. 
Is it okay for a girl to ask a guy out? Is chivalry dead? Take my hand and we’ll go on an adventure to answer these questions. Alright, don’t take my hand. But we’ll still answer these questions.
Is it okay for a girl to ask a guy out?
Well… it depends, but as a rule, not really. Remember, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. You don’t need to ask a guy on a date to get a date with him. Men love what you have to offer so make them ask for it.
​Sometimes it can be as easy as looking him in the eye and saying, “you seem to stare a lot. Are you going to ask me out?” That opens up the conversation and leaves it up to him.
Same goes with getting his number. Don’t make up some pretentious line about needing his number for homework. That’s what Facebook is for.
“Are you going to ask for my number?” is a nice, direct question that you can laugh about while putting the ball in his court. Any guy should rise to the occasion. If he doesn’t you know he’s not man enough for you anyway.
That leads to the second question: is chivalry dead?
No. But it is definitely dying. And I believe women can fix it. You see, many guys aren’t chivalrous for two big reasons. One, girls don’t demand it. Two, guys aren’t so sure that girls even want chivalry.
So the good news is: you can help change it. The ways you can this are pretty simple.
  1. Don’t reward bad behavior. If a guy is classless, don’t spend time with him. If he doesn’t hold the door, don’t give him your number if he asks for it. And most importantly, keep your hands off him.
  2. Always act classy. Guys will pick up on your example. You can help create a culture that rewards and encourages men who act like real gentlemen.
  3. Be honest. Call out a jerk for his asshole-ishness. Do it tactfully, but let them know that they should hold the door for women and speak nicely around ladies.
At this time I have nothing else of value to say. So endeth the lesson. Now you know what to do, go out there, break some hearts and help fix the world.
Best of luck,
Ed Burns
Ashley is a senior professional writing major at Penn State.