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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

So, it’s that time of year again! You head into CVS or your local drug store and what do you see, an aisle decked out in the color red, greeting cards decorated in puppies and roses, and thousands of heart shaped chocolates that are dedicated to February 14th, also known as Valentines Day.

Some consider the holiday to be a wonderful time where couples celebrate their love for one another and can bask in their never-ending bliss. On the other hand, what the single people endure is witnessing major P.D.A and us rolling our eyes in disgust (but kinda of envying the situation).

We are not hating on the couples! You do your thing and celebrate because you deserve it too. But alas, this year might mark another year or the first year where you have no plans to go out and stay in to binge watch a new show on Netflix, maybe Making of a Murder?

Well, you are in luck! Who needs a date or a fancy dinner reservation when you can celebrate acts of kindness and love with your best friends and family. In fact, why not take the day to yourself and shut off all of your electronics and enjoy some quality time with none other than your fine self!  

Spend it with the people who you really care about. There is nothing better than getting together with your friends and family and making a homemade dinner or grabbing brunch at your favorite spot and catching up on the week. Appreciate the people in your life who really care about you for you and stop worrying if you have a Valentine or not!  

Stay away from the dramatic romance films! Do not put on Love Actually, or Valentines Day, and don’t you dare watch The Notebook! Instead, put on a funny movie such as Bridesmaids to laugh until your sides hurt and completely forget that it’s the day dedicated to love. My suggestion, scare the living day lights out of yourself and put on an old scary movie!

Don’t want to break your budget? Wait until Feburary 15th to buy all of the chocolate from your local shopping center in the Valentines Day aisle because you will notice the candy will be half price! I mean really, who doesn’t love a chocolate sale.

TREAT YO SELF! In the famous words of the great comedian and actor Aziz Ansari from Parks and Recreation, treat yo self! Purchase that new sweater you have been eyeing for the past week, or a new pair of shoes. Hell, spend that extra cash on a Venti Starbucks drink because why not! You deserve to have the best.

Appreciate the single life! You are young with endless possibilities and have your whole life to have a Valentine. Take this year to travel to a new restaurant or a new part of the city, wherever you want really, without having to answer to anyone. Focus on your schoolwork this week and make sure to study for that exam you forgot about or those reading assignments you haven’t started yet!

Play with some furry friends! They will always put a smile on your face! SERIOUSLY HOW CUTE ARE THEY!

Remember, Valentines Day happens to be one day out of 365, and love should be appreciated everyday of the year! Love yourself no matter what because you are a powerful and confident individual.  

And if you needed another reminder, in the words of Tina Belcher from the animated TV show comedy Bob’s Burgers


Hey everyone! My name is Ariana Gavriilidis. I am from a small town in New Jersey and I now reside in New York City! I am earning a Bachelor of Arts from Pace University in Communications with a Concentration in Media, Communications, and Visual Arts. I also have a minor in Arts and Entertainment Management. In my spare time I enjoy photography, working out, and seeing as many movies as possible! I am excited to be apart of Her Campus as writing has always been my passion. Make sure to check out my articles as well as my radio show, Winging it with Ariana, where I have new episodes every Tuesday! https://www.mixcloud.com/WIWARIANA/
Hello! My name is Josephine "Josie" Morenski, and I am from Detroit, Michigan. Currently, I am a Communication Studies major at Pace University in New York City, with a minor in Psychology. I am also a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Pace, Promotions Intern for Cumulus Media, and a Student Assistant at Pace University. Writing and blogging have always been a passion of mine, and I am excited to share my content with the Her Campus community.