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Event with First Lady Michelle Obama

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

Today, I was lucky enough to attend an event hosted by Michelle Obama about empowering girls around the world, particularly by pursuing a formal education. Yes, I was only a matter of feet away from the First Lady herself, yet, it wasn’t her celebrity status that made my jaw drop – it was her genuine passion for girl’s education. Michelle Obama has continuously kept girl’s education in the global spotlight for years, and when she stepped on the stage at Bernard B. Jacob’s theatre she let everyone in the audience know why.

Michelle Obama grew up in a middle class family and neither of her parents had received a college education, however, she wanted more. She pushed herself to be the best and received scholarships and financial aid that allowed her to study at some of the most prestigious schools in the country. In addition to her own amazing story, her event featured three other young women who came from Jordan, Pakistan, and Malawi, all of which spoke of their personal fights for education. 

Out of all the incredible stories told this afternoon, one message that has really resonated with me is when Michelle Obama explained how education is the most valuable thing a person can have. No matter what you’re battling, nothing can take your education away from you. Likewise, your education will only help you succeed in life. Education has life-long benefits for young women around the world, helping them to lift themselves, their families, and their countries up out of poverty. Michelle Obama is shining light on the lack of formal education accessible to young girls all around the world. Reflecting back, I am so blessed I was able to hear the First Lady open up about this global issue and hear her inspiring plan to help change it.

Hey Everyone:) I am a Philadelphia native with a love for NYC. I am currently a communications major and a digital media studies minor at Pace University. I am a health and fitness enthusiast. I also volunteer with Reading Partners and Jumpstart. In my free time I love writing, traveling, rap music, and shopping.