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Studying Abroad: How to Finish Up a Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.


  1. Do whatever finals-related work you have as soon as possible. If you can write a paper in advance, do it!
  2. Go back to all of your favorite places and spend some time there, maybe alone, maybe with friends. Look out at your special place and close your eyes and take a mental picture. Repeat until you can see the place again in your head.  
  3. Eat at your favorite places, the ones you know you’ll miss and crave once you return home. 
  4. Thank your professors, homestay families, local friends, everybody. 
  5. Spend as much time as possible with the people you will miss the most. Even the ones you didn’t get to know as well. Especially the ones you didn’t get to know as well.
  6. Kiss that guy you’ve had a crush on all semester, hug that girl that you’ve always thought was too cool for you. Share mutual nods and smiles with people you’ll forget about soon, and get pictures with the ones you won’t forget.
  7. Pack a few days in advance so that you can…
  8. …Go out all night for your last night with your entire program, coming back only to throw your laptop in your carry-on and run out the door to the waiting taxi.
Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.