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The Real V Day: The Vagina Monologues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.


It can be easy to get caught up in the trivial trappings of the ultimate commercial holiday, Valentines Day. If you’re looking for a little more substance than a box of chocolates, look no further than the Vagina Monologues, which will be appearing on campus on February 15th.  
We’ve all seen the fliers around campus, received the facebook page invites, and heard about the event from friends. But those who still haven’t seen the Vagina Monologues might be wondering what all the hype is about.

Performed in cities and college campuses all over the world, the Vagina Monologues are composed of hundreds of women’s stories that center around one thing: what it means to be a woman. Their stories, each performed as monologues, tell a side that is often ignored or dismissed as too inappropriate to share. It’s honest and upfront portrayal of female sexuality has brought the Vagina Monologues international fame, and makes it a must-see show for every Oxy student.

Of course, there is no denying that the Vagina Monologues are shocking. This is a project that is not afraid to be bold and say things that will make people uncomfortable. The irony is that the same discomfort that has drawn audiences in by the hundreds is also responsible for discouraging certain viewers from seeing the show.

But after watching the performance (or reading the book adaptation of the play, also titled The Vagina Monologues), you will understand why this discomfort is so necessary. Stories like these need to be heard because they represent a demographic that is too often silenced. Our experiences as women can be marginalized so often that we don’t even realize it. And quite frankly, few people are comfortable with even admitting that female sexuality is a worthy topic of discussion, much less actually discussing it. Come on people, it’s 2013.

The fact that Oxy students support the Vagina Monologues so strongly says a lot about the culture of our school. “I think people come to Oxy because they care about social justice, and they care about their communities. That’s the type of environment people want to cultivate here,” says Abhilasha Bhola, a first year at Oxy and a performer in the upcoming Vagina Monologues. “Really the Vagina Monologues are about bringing women’s stories to light, and caring about women’s stories. We’re saying that these are prevalent issues and that everyone deserves a chance to speak about what it means to be a woman.”

“The monologues come from a wide array of women. Even for people who don’t want to think about feminism, every story is valuable, and it’s important to affirm these things and openly talk about them. It’s about being accepting of what women go through every day” Bhola continues.

To any men who might be a little hesitant to see the show, Bhola adds, “It’s both a funny and sad performance, but also very beautiful. And objectively speaking, more than that, there’s nothing more attractive in a guy than caring about what it means to be a woman. Consider it a step in what it means to be inclusive. It’s a horizon expanding experience.”

Take pride in knowing Oxy stands behind these values so strongly, and go see the Vagina Monologues on Friday, February 15th!