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Curse of the Midterm Monster

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

It’s midterm week. I’m writing this after being up for about 12 hours, writing 10 pages (single spaced) reading about 200 pages while analyzing sexual intercourse between Bonobo chimps and how that applies to humans.
As I sat with a half-filled coffee, and stared into the mug, I thought, How did I get myself wrapped up into 5 exams over 2 days, and 2 papers due next week?


So, in the spirit of to-do lists, I present to you Chelsea Mahoney’s Midterm Week Survival Guide. Because Finals aren’t stressful enough.
1.)    SLEEP– This is the oldest rule in the book, ladies! I don’t care if you have an exam at 10 a.m.-you need to go to sleep. Put the book down and close your laptop- my personal rule (except for last night, naturally) is that if you’re not done with your work by 1 a.m., you can leave it until tomorrow.

2.)    EAT– Though studying may seem like the most important thing in the world, eating is a big deal. If you don’t eat, you can’t focus. If you can’t focus, you can’t study. If you can’t study, you fail. Etc., Etc.

3.)    DON’T EAT/DRINK ENERGY PILLS/DRINKS– First of all, if you’re taking any kind of energy supplement in a pill form, it’s probably illegal. As for drinks- they won’t do you any favors. You will just crash and burn. And then you can’t study.

4.)    HAVE SEX/MASTURBATE- Do I really need to give you a reason?

5.)    DANCE- Throw on your favorite tune, whether it be Lady GaGa or George Michael and dance around your room. Take a step away from the computer, and dance it out. Dancing gives you endorphins which makes you happy! And being happy is good! Right?

6.)    GET OFF CAMPUS- You need to get out of here. I honestly think you will go crazy if you don’t. Go for a walk in town, get your nails done, see a movie. Head down to the bookstore and read some poetry. Watch the sunset on the canal. Get a cup of coffee. But please, for the love of God, get off campus.

7.)    BREATHE– They’re just exams. There will be more of them. Study. Put in effort. You will survive.
So, I’m going to heed my own advice and go to sleep. Good luck this week- and if you don’t hear from me again, it’s because I fell victim to the Midterm Monster.

Kaitlin Provost graduated from SUNY Oswego, majoring in journalism with a learning agreement in photography. She grew up in five different towns all over the Northeast, eventually settling and graduating from high school in Hudson, Massachusetts. Kait now lives in the blustery town of Oswego, New York, where she can frequently be found running around like a madwoman, avoiding snow drifts taller than her head (which, incidentally, is not very tall). She has worked for her campus newspaper, The Oswegonian, as the Assistant News Editor, and is also the President of the Oswego chapter of Ed2010, a national organization which helps students break into the magazine industry. She hopes to one day work for National Geographic and travel the world.