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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

College is a social place; there’s always an event to go to, activities to do in your hall, and always time to hang out with your friends. However, we all spend so much time together in small quarters that we tend to forget what it’s like to have some good ‘ole classic “me” time. While it’s nice after a stressful day of classes to change into comfy sweats and cuddle up with your girls to a sappy romance movie, take time to relax just by yourself. Turn on the lights in your room, make a cup of hot tea, and cuddle up with the latest issue of Vogue. There’s nothing like relaxing by yourself and blowing off steam from a long day. Don’t worry about that calc homework. It can wait another hour.

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Katie Short

Oswego '18

Katie is a recent graduate of SUNY Oswego, where she double-majored in Creative Writing and Political Science and a minor in Journalism. She was the Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Oswego as well as a Chapter Advisor. Katie hopes to get a job in writing, editing or social media. 
Kari is currently a second semester junior at Oswego State majoring in both Journalism and Global International Studies. She's a big city girl who was born in a small town. When not studying for her classes or obsessing over Her Campus, she can be found splurging on nail polish, watching documentaries, reading magazines, crafting, drinking chai tea, or gushing about animals.