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Real College Guy Collin on…Makeup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

What are guys real thoughts on makeup? This is something all girls have wondered at one point because I know I have. This week our Real College Guy Collin has given us a brief overview of this question on everything from au natural to red carpet glam.


This one’s trickier because, I THINK, it’s on a case-by-case sort of basis. Not a case-by-case “you should wear makeup, you shouldn’t, you sometimes”, but different amounts of make-up are most effective on different girls. Obviously, wear as much or as little make-up as you want – whatever you think looks best is what you should do. I guarantee someone agrees with you and you guys can kiss each other’s faces (makeup’d or no).


I will say this: as a man, it seems the best applied make-up doesn’t draw attention to itself. If you’re using so much make-up that people notice the makeup and not YOU then you’ve probably gone too far. Other than that, it’s all very subjective and context-dependent. Yes, guys can tell the difference between wearing make-up and no-make-up but for some guys it’s important and for others it’s not and for some girl’s it’s a more pronounced change than in others and for some make-ups less is more and blah blah blah you can’t plan for all these contingencies! Make yourself look the way you want to look, glance at the mirror, tell yourself you look good, and then believe it. Everything will fall in line after that.


It’s probably also valuable to have a very close female friend who can tell you candid opinions….just in case.



Have a question for our Real College Guy Collin? Tweet us @HCOhioState to share your ideas.

Julie is a Senior at The Ohio State University pursuing degrees in Fashion and Retail and Business. A lover of all things fashion from a young age, she loves having the chance to write the style blog for the site as well as being the chapter's President. When she is not writing, she loves singing in Ohio State's Women's Glee Club, updating her style blog, and online shopping when she should be doing homework. After graduation, Julie hopes to become a celebrity stylist or work in the fashion department of a magazine. Visit thelookinthemirror.blogspot.com for more from Julie.