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Catch Him if You Can

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

The man behind the book, movie, and now Broadway musical “Catch Me If You Can” will be making an appearance on campus on February 24th thanks to the collaboration of OUAB and the Security and Intelligence Club.

Frank Abagnale is an American Sercurity Consultant who is more famously known for his work as a former confidence trickster, check forger, and imposter. He became one of the most famous impersonators in history, posing under no fewer than eight identities, including an airline pilot, doctor, lawyer, and a U.S. Bureau of Prisons agent. He has escaped from police custody twice, one time on an airliner and the other from a penitentiary, and this was all before the age of 21. Although he committed all of these crimes, he only spent about five years in prison before he began working for the government to teach them his fraudulent tricks.

From the moment I first saw the movie, I was amazed, to say the least. I had no idea how someone could be that smart and clever to trick so many people for as long as he did. When I heard that he was coming to campus to give a speech I was so excited. I mean, when do you get the opportunity to hear from a criminal turned government agent on your own campus?

This is an event that you do not want to miss and tickets are out now at the Ohio Union. If you would like to do a little homework before, the movie adaptation of his life, starring Leonardo Dicaprio, will tell you everything you need to know.

Julie is a Senior at The Ohio State University pursuing degrees in Fashion and Retail and Business. A lover of all things fashion from a young age, she loves having the chance to write the style blog for the site as well as being the chapter's President. When she is not writing, she loves singing in Ohio State's Women's Glee Club, updating her style blog, and online shopping when she should be doing homework. After graduation, Julie hopes to become a celebrity stylist or work in the fashion department of a magazine. Visit thelookinthemirror.blogspot.com for more from Julie.