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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.
Name: Michael Blumberg 
Year: Freshmen 
Major: Undecided
Hometown: Jericho, New York
Relationship status: Single
Her Campus: What is your ideal first date?
Michael Blumberg: A dinner date.
HC: What do you look for in a girl?
MB: Good looks and great brain.
HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
MB: Kate Upton.
HC: What is your guilty pleasure?
MB: Too guilty to say…
HC: What’s your all-time favorite movie?
MB: Pulp Fiction.
HC: What is your dream job?
MB: One that brings in the dough.
HC: Favorite experience so far at OSU?
MB: Mirror Lake jump, hands down.
HC: Best pick-up line?
MB: I’m not staring at your boobs, I’m staring at your heart
HC: Favorite aisle in the grocery store?
MB: The snack aisle because we always need munchies on deck.
Leah's hobbies include eating Chickfila, walking her dog when no one else will and pretending to be athletic. When she's not busy doing nothing she can be found at CVS buying unnecessary items or at Starbucks staring cluelessly at the menu.