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Benefits of Studying Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

I have heard time and time again that studying abroad is the best part of your college experience, yet many do not take advantage of the resources it offers. While some may have differing opinions, I believe there is a myriad of benefits that studying abroad has to offer.

While some argue they can always visit these foreign destinations later in life, they will be visiting that place as a tourist. Tourists usually view the city they are visiting from an outsider’s perspective. However, when one actually lives there, they will discover so much more than one who merely stays for a week or two. You will have the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of a new city and be able to discover things such as your favorite coffee shop, or the best place to hike that you never would have experienced by just stopping in for a week. The opportunity to experience a new city as a local is an invaluable, unique experience.

Studying abroad in a foreign country, away from one’s family and friends, presents the opportunity to gain a new level of independence. You will learn to be self-sufficient in a foreign country, rather than relying on family and friends nearby. While this may be difficult to experience, it is an important lesson that will aid you in countless future ventures.

As a student studying abroad, you will have the opportunity to learn about a new culture by experiencing it firsthand. Getting to know the culture, traditions and day-to-day life of a foreign country may change your world view. You can broaden your horizons by trying new foods, learning a new language and taking part in local tradition.

Lastly, studying abroad could be a valuable addition to one’s resume, as it sets you apart from other candidates with your newfound skills and self-reliance.

Make an appointment at OSU’s Education Abroad Office or attend one of their Getting Started Sessions on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and Wednesdays, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in 160 Enarson Classroom Building to begin your adventure abroad.

The Ohio State University 2019