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Anna Busi: AKA Wonder Woman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Name: Anna Busi 

Major: Business Marketing

Minor: Fashion

Hometown: North Royalton, Ohio

Year: Senior

When shes not unwinding reading romance novels or making random two day trips to NYC,  Anna Busi has a face hard not to recognize around campus. Between greek life, academics, internships and fashion, there isn’t an opportunity this girl won’t miss. This week, Her Campus OSU was fortunate to see just how Wonder Woman does it all.   

HC: Since being at OSU, what have you become involved in?

AB: My main involvement is with the Fashion Production Association, FPA. I held a number of positions ranging from a general member, director of design, co-president and I am currently president of this 75-person student organization. I am a member of the fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. I am also the co-founder and president of Fashion Forward and the student manager at the Ohio Union information desk.

HC: Tell us how you created Fashion Forward.

AB: A girl from AKPsi asked me if I’d be interested in starting something with her. We noticed there was a gap between students that were interested in retail companies and companies that wanted the analytical business student with an interest in fashion. Last semester, we held two speaker events and went to Fisher’s involvement fair to get people exposed to us. Honestly, people’s word of mouth and advisors have been so beneficial to Fashion Forward’s success. We basically planted the seed and it has grown into it’s own because there was such a need for it. We started it last semester and there are already 40 people involved!

HC: In which ways do you believe your involvements on campus will help you after graduation?

AB: In the obvious ways because my involvements have been tailored towards the industry I want to go in. A lot of the organizations I take part in are in the fashion industry. These involvements have given me preparation and a better understanding of the industry in order to do my job to the best of my abilities. 

HC: Can you give us some insight on the upcoming fashion show this spring?

AB: Yes! So the fashion show is named Unwritten: From Page to Stage. It’s inspired by all different genres of literature. Which doesn’t sound the most interesting, but the different acts are going to make for an awesome show. The acts include classics, poetry, teen fiction, romance and the finale, fantasy. Everyone should come, it’s Apr. 11, 2015 at the Union. Tickets start selling mid March after spring break. 

Her sketches for this year’s show

HC: How many dresses do you design each year?

AB: Each year I design anywhere from two to five. This year, I am designing three. My favorite dress I designed was for a circus themed show my first year. The color scheme was black and white with a pop of color. The last act was so couture and over the top and everyone wore clown wigs. For this show, I was really inspired by circus tent stripes. I created a mermaid gown with stripes down the sides and at top and bottom it went into a flair of red tulle. It was striking! I was just so proud of it. 

HC: What’s the coolest fashion class you have taken thus far?

AB: Apparel product design and branding. It’s part of the design series in the fashion school and it teaches you how to sketch and make flats, which are basically the computerized sketch so when you sent it to the factory, they know how to create it. It was the most creative and fun class and I’m loving the things I’m doing because it’s interesting to me. I always laugh because I actually look forward to doing my homework, which consist of sketches.

HC: Tell us how you landed your awesome internships?

AB: Sophomore going into my junior year I had an internship with TJ Maxx in Boston. I talked with them at a career fair, went to the pre-night and literally just applied. Last summer, I got an internship with Zappos in Las Vegas. I found this internship by seeing something online about it. When I applied, I made a video cover letter amongst the other options they gave us. Making the video was so much fun. Once I landed the internship, I spent the summer in Las Vegas doing merchandise planning. 

HC: How do you balance your social life and academic life?

AB: Hmm … my calendar is my best friend. I keep a journal every year and it’s like my life. I set alerts and color coordinate everything on my iPhone calendar. I’m also not a very late sleeper and I usually wake up around 8:30 a.m. everyday. I work really hard during the day and then once I’m home I like to reward myself with down time. 

HC: What’s you’re favorite thing to do during your down time?

AB: I love to read. I know that sounds nerdy, but it’s mindless romance stories that I love reading most. I’ll also draw and watch True Blood because it is my new fix at the moment. But if I have extra time I’ll start a book. 

HC: What would be your ultimate dream job?

AB: I want to be an entreupuenur and start something in Cleveland because I love Cleveland. My goal in life is to get out there now and gain as much experience as I can then bring it all back to Cleveland. I feel like the city is on the rise and if I can be a part of the revitalization that’s something I cannot pass up. I like putting my own spin on the world and trying to influence it. So I want to open a store one day and I’m not sure what it’ll exactly be yet, but it’ll be something I love and in the city I love.