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The 10 Commandments of Being a Good Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

1.     Thou shall not invade other’s personal space.

2.     Thou shall clean up after yourself.

3.     Thou shall refill the Brita.

4.     Thou shall not leave an empty toilet paper roll on the holder.

5.     Thou shall not eat roommates food without asking.

6.     Thou shall respect roommate’s studying wishes.

Especially when you’re playing music really loud and I have a midterm tomorrow.

7.     Thou shall help take out the trash.

8.     Thou shall keep to yourself when it comes to your roommate’s boys (or girls).

9.     Thou shall give a warning when you bring a guest to stay overnight.

I don’t want to walk out of my room and see a shirtless boy… unless its Ryan Gosling of course.

10. But most importantly, thou shall be supportive, be kind and be respectful of your roommates.