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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Year in school: Freshman

Major: Undeclared

Hometown: Portland, OR

Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle

HCO: Why did you choose to come to the University of Oregon? I have a lot of family here. And I’m only from Portland, so I’m close enough to go home every once in a while, but far enough to be independent.

HCO: If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Probably Paris. I don’t know why – it just sounds cool.

HCO: Would you rather go to the moon or the bottom of the ocean? The moon because you can see the whole Earth and float around.

HCO: What is something you couldn’t live without? Duke – He’s my dog. My baby, if you will. You just can’t live without your baby.

HCO: What’s your guilty pleasure? I love southern boys. But obviously, this isn’t the South so I struggle a lot with that.

HCO: What’s your favorite pickup line? “Do you sleep on your stomach? Can I?”

HCO: Have you ever had a crush on a male teacher? Yeah, one of my teachers now actually. Currently in pursuit.

HCO: If you were in the Justice League with six other people who would they be? Well, Chris Brown, obviously, so he could beat people up. Terry Crews because he’s huge, Isaiah Mustafa (aka the Old Spice Guy), Thor, Jason Statham, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt… to keep me company. *wink*

HCO: What’s your favorite outfit to wear in the spring? A sun dress.

HCO: What’s your ideal date? A hike up to a high point to watch the sunset then go to a movie. I like sunsets and movies.

HCO: Have you ever been played by a guy? Why yes, actually. My friend set me up with this guy that lives in Nevada and we spent about two months Skyping and texting everyday. He was even planning on coming to stay with me over spring break. Come to find out he has a girlfriend and was playing both of us. Oh well, at least he sent me a Valentine’s Day gift.

HCO: What’s one thing no one knows about you? I have a weakness for boys with long hair. You wouldn’t be able to tell by my previous choices of men, but when I see a guy with long hair and maybe a headband, I can’t stop staring.

University of Oregon student taking everything as inspiration.
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