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Getting Out of Your Box: Be Original For Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Whether you’re a big spender this Valentine’s Day or not, gifts for the big mushy holiday are not as easy as others. For some, it’s a box of chocolates, while others its heart pajamas. Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with or without a special someone, figuring out what to get your friends, family, or roommates this holiday season can vary. Here’s some general advice: Be original, but also don’t feel like you need to spend more money than you need to. Here’s a couple go-to Valentine’s Day gifts told by yours truly.

Make it from the heart.

Valentine’s Day is sometimes known as a Hallmark Holiday. However, that’s not how it has to be this year. Make those cards home made, bake some cookies, or cut out hearts with paper and decorate your house with them! This Valentine’s Day should be fun and budget friendly. Here a couple budget-friendly or home made gift ideas.Coupon Book: Make that special someone a coupon book with 100 coupons of 100 favors you will do for them. This is both creative and comes in handy later in the relationship when they want to blackmail you for a massage.

100 Reasons Why Cards: Whether this gift be for your mom or for your lover, 100 reasons why you care about someone is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift regardless of who it is. Throw in a box of chocolates and your sincere, honest loving reasons why you love them is the reason that Valentine’s Day exists to begin with.

Home Cooked Meal: Let’s be real, everybody likes food. And the best way to a man’s heart (or woman’s to be perfectly honest) is their stomach. If you know them well, make their favorite dish. If this is an unexpected special guest, go with a basic staple. Hopefully you don’t have a blind date who is allergic to a bunch of food, that could get awkward.

And lastly, always be prepared. Regardless of the gifts you buy or the plans you make, Valentine’s Day tends to go a little of schedule regardless of how thought out the day is. Go with the flow, have fun, and make the most of this February 14th.




My name is Chandler Baker, a senior at the University of Oregon. I am a public relations major and expect to graduate in June 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts from the School of Journalism and Communication. I am addicted to caffeine, concerts, and the outdoors.
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