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Campus Cutie Trevor Curtis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.


Year in School: Junior
Major/Minor: Journalism with a focus on advertising
Relationship Status: single, hollaa!
Hometown: The rolling hills of North Plains, Oregon
Shameless Plug: @tr3vorcurtis (Twitter, Instagram)
HCO: Have you always known that Journalism was your calling?
In some way or another, yeah I have. I was doing job shadows in 8th grade for a sports writer in Forest Grove, Oregon. That’s where it started, sports writer to broadcaster, and now somehow advertising is thrown in the mix. Crazy how that works… (haha)
HCO: What excites you the most about the U of O?
The greatest part for me is the opportunities that are available here. I have met so many interesting people, some that share similar interests, and we’ve been able to work together. It’s exciting to build a solid network, and for me at least, that offers a great pool of resources to learn from. Not that taking awesome classes aren’t exciting too… ahem. Plus, can I get a “Sco Ducks”? It’s a primo time to be here!
HCO: Tell us a little about DuckTV and how you got started with it…
I was invited by my neighbor, who said I might enjoy getting involved, and that was probably the best decision I’ve made at school. We’re a completely student-run television network with original programming. I was in a show called Mob Bros. last term, besides being a part of the P.R. staff and it was super fun. We’re actually having auditions this Thursday and Friday, January 10th and 11th. Anyone is welcome to come out, we can always use production assistants, audio mixers, editors, extra actors, P.R. experts, and animators too! Just check out ducktv.uoregon.edu, and I better see all of you who just read this at auditions. Or I will find you.
HCO: Favorite TV show or movie?
Oh, favorite TV shows, it’s a toss up between South Park and Seinfeld. My favorite
movie is The Aristocats. Obviously; everybody wants to be a cat.
HCO: What artists are you listening to right now?
Like at the moment? “Purple Swag” the remix, off of A$AP Rocky’s new album. Other
than that, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Attack Attack, and lots of Ke$ha. I don’t know what’s up
with the dollar sign…
HCO: What do you like to do in your free time?
Play basketball, film, or do some writing, maybe take a nap. And eating, but I guess that
goes without saying.
HCO: What’s your secret to getting the ladies?
Hmm, getting the ladies, that’s a good question. I don’t really do anything, just talk and
listen to what they have to say, and if “the ladies” as we call them, say something striking
or refreshing, I’ll talk to them. Genuine conversation seems to work pretty well, plus
making y’all laugh of course.
HCO: What’s your biggest turn-on/turnoff when it comes to girls?
Alright, biggest turn-on is easily when a girl lets me know what’s going on in her head. Like, I mean you can talk to me, I would rather know what’s in your head than play stupid games. So, I guess, open honesty? We’ll go with that. Oh, and I’m gonna take this opportunity to say, if we meet and you think I’m cute or whatever, let me know, I’m probably too stupid to read any of your ridiculous, subtle lady signals. Sorry about that…
HCO: Dream job?
I’d be Dirty Trev, Pirate King off somewhere in the Caribbean.
HCO: Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“Love yourself and life will work itself out.”
Rebecca is a senior at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. She is currently studying photography and magazine journalism. Hailing from the mountain town of Bend, Oregon, Rebecca values being outdoors, staying active, and the beauty in simple things. She loves seeing what other people are exploring in their fashion and finding new trends. Rebecca is a lover of all things creative, spontaneous, stylish, and interesting.