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SUNY Oneonta’s Annual Pass Through The Pillars

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.


This Snapshot is dedicated to all of new students starting their first year of college at SUNY  Oneonta. Here we see new freshman students in our annual Pass Through the Pillars ceremony on Sunday, August 30th.


This ceremony has been a SUNY Oneonta tradition since 2004, utilizing the  pillars from the original Old Main, built in 1889. For freshman, it marks  the beginning of their college experience filled with new opportunities, experiences and friendships. Many students, past and present, might not be able to tell you who walked beside them as they walked through the pillars, but any Oneontan will be able to tell you who was by their side through their college experience. The friends you make here are the friends  that will last a lifetime.


It may only be my second year here, but I know I am blessed to have met so many amazing people that I wouldn’t have known if I went to school anywhere else.





Barbara Parsons is a previous writer of HC Oneonta, and is now an alumni of SUNY Oneonta. Barbara loves playing rugby, Chinese food, binge-watching How I Met Your Mother, and baby emperor penguins. You can follow Barbara on Twitter and Instagram @BarbaraJoyce3
Kenzie Negron is currently a senior in college studying at SUNY Oneonta to pursue her dream career of being a high school english teacher as well as a part time journalist. Kenzie is the proud Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus Chapter at SUNY Oneonta. Kenzie is also the author of her own blog; http://sincerelykenz.com. In her spare time, Kenzie enjoys snowboarding, indulging in tacos, and hanging out with her friends. You can find out more information about Kenzie by following her on Twitter and Instagram (@kenzienegron).