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St. Oney’s Day Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

*Disclaimer* In no way does HC Oneonta promote excessive binge-drinking/under-age drinking. This article is strictly to provide useful advice for all students who participate in St. Oney’s Day festivities.

The best day of the spring semester is almost here! And no, we aren’t talking about graduation, because who really looks forward to that? We’re talking about St. Oney’s Day! If you’re new to Oneonta or if you are familiar with the college tradition, these quick tips will help you survive the craziest day of the year!

1. Get a good night’s sleep.

You’re probably going to start this community-wide holiday before noon, therefore sleep will do you wonders for staying up the whole day. Besides, you can’t have fun if you’re already tired by 1pm, might as well make sure you’re well-rested!

2. Have a solid squad!

Knowing where you’re going or what you’re doing is obviously important, but more importantly, you should know who you’re planning to stick with the whole day. You may want to party hop so it’s always a good idea to know where your friends are. Because we’ve all been there when that one friend disappears. Whether a big group or a select group of friends, you’re bound to have an amazing and memorable time together. It’s St. Oney’s Day, after all!

3. Plan your outfit in advance.

TBH, your hat, glasses, or necklace will most likely get lost along the way or “borrowed” by some random dude who wanted to try it on. Wear green and be creative, just don’t blow a lot of cash on whatever you plan on wearing. Also, dress warm if it’s chilly and you plan on being outside most of the day.

4. Get home safe and bring a buddy!

First of all, NEVER drink and drive or get in a car with someone driving under the influence. This is supposed to be a fun day, we wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt. Secondly, buses will be crowded of course, so get to the stop on time. As said before, know who you’ll be with for the day and like any other day in Oneonta, make sure you and your friends get home safe!

5. Mid-day pizza will be on your mind. Bring cash for lunch!

You can’t expect to go a whole day without eating can you? You’ll find yourself on main street at some point during the day so make sure you have money for Sal’s or Tino’s, or if you’re like me, China 19. Hey, I like my Chinese Food!

6.Green beer is awesome, drinking until you’re green isn’t.

Don’t go crazy with the keg stands and Jell-O shots. No one wants to get sick on the best day of the year or pay for a mess in a cab, and there is absolutely no way anyone wants to have to bring you to the hospital. You can have a great time without overdoing it, I promise you! Also, be sure to drink water throughout the day to keep you hydrated.

7. Whatever you do, remember: jumping off the roof is never a good idea.

Just… don’t. You’re not Superman, that jump is far down, and no, those people below you probably won’t catch you. You’re probably wondering why I added this tip into the list, but come Saturday you’ll see some people on a roof and thank me later.

8. Take group photos before your day begins

Your group is all together, your hair looks great, and your clothes aren’t drenched in beer yet. Now’s the perfect time to take a squad photo. Because let’s face it, before photos always come out better than the after photos.



Barbara Parsons

Barbara Parsons is a previous writer of HC Oneonta, and is now an alumni of SUNY Oneonta. Barbara loves playing rugby, Chinese food, binge-watching How I Met Your Mother, and baby emperor penguins. You can follow Barbara on Twitter and Instagram @BarbaraJoyce3
Hey everyone! My name is Callan Fridgen, and I'm a junior at Oneonta State studying Communications with a minor in Public Relations. Find me on Instagram @callanfridgen