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6 Struggles That Only People With Unique Names Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

1. People Constantly Asking You to Repeat Your Name

What? What did you say? How do you say it?

Please just listen to me say it, we can sound it out together.


2. Why Did your Parents Pick That Name?

People who actually say this should just evaporate.


3. Your Name Is Never Spelled Correctly At Starbucks

It’s only a big deal if you’re basic like me. On the plus side, this leaves you with great Snapchat material.


4. When You Get Introduced to New People, and They Just Smile and Nod When They Hear Your Name

It’s so obvious when people do not know what your name is. “Hey you” can only get you so far. Please do better.

5. Never Finding Your Name on a Souvenir

This one is quite sad. All you want is a little keepsake with your name on it, and it is nowhere to be found. I have a better chance of finding a four-leaf clover.

6. Having to Correct Teachers Every Year

“I’m sorry if I butcher your name.” Well here it goes…I already know it’s coming after the long pause.



Anna is a junior at SUNY Oneonta, studying Fashion Marketing and Computer Art. She hopes to turn these studies into a career in the fashion industry in New York City. Outside of writing for Her Campus, Anna spends her time obsessing over eyebrows, embroidering, and talking about her dogs.