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5 Ways to De-Stress During the End of Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

We all can get really stressed out during the semester, but once the last few weeks come around, we tend to want to crawl in a hole and eat a tub of ice cream to deal with everything. You may be freaking out over your lab report that’s due, having to write a 1,000 word essay by Friday, your rent being due, or oh yeah graduation is less than a month away!! Whether it’s these scenarios or whatever, it can be overwhelming for a college student to juggle in such a short time frame.

There are many ways to deal with this stress. These are some ways that you can avoid a mental breakdown:

1. Study break

Spontaneous dancing, food run, possibly a glass a wine (or two), whatever! Relax once you’ve completed a decent amount of studying or an assignment. Reward yourself for your progress. But don’t forget to actually finish your work!

2. Organize your life

A difficult task, I know. Mark up your calendar and planner and have your tasks and obligations physically visible in front of you. This way you won’t end up freaking out in regards to what time an assignment was supposed to be submitted or when your final is. But don’t let your list of tasks intimidate you; if you time manage what you need to do, you’ll be able to get everything done.

3. Literally walking away from your work

If you feel yourself getting flustered, panicking or even having an anxiety attack, walk away from what you’re doing, take a deep breath and relax. Give yourself distance from whatever is stressing you out and clear your thoughts. Even if this means going on walk or going out to get food.  

4. Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for clarification on what’s going to be on a task or understanding a certain concept. I know what stresses me out the most is if I need to study something I clearly do not understand. And if your teacher is the type of professor that can’t teach to save their life, ask classmates for help. Maybe even form a study group, they might even be in the same position as you are.

5. Do something you love

When you do something that makes you happy, obviously you become less stressed out. Listen to music, plan a night out with friends, go on a hike, play soccer with friends, read, watch TV, whatever! Do something you love and will personally make you happier and less stressed. You definitely don’t need me to tell you to do this, but I hope just reminding you to have fun will make the end of year bearable.


Barbara Parsons

Barbara Parsons is a previous writer of HC Oneonta, and is now an alumni of SUNY Oneonta. Barbara loves playing rugby, Chinese food, binge-watching How I Met Your Mother, and baby emperor penguins. You can follow Barbara on Twitter and Instagram @BarbaraJoyce3
Hey everyone! My name is Callan Fridgen, and I'm a junior at Oneonta State studying Communications with a minor in Public Relations. Find me on Instagram @callanfridgen