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Tech Tuesdays @2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

The first Tuesday of every school month, the Edmon Low Library offers free presentations of emerging and innovative technologies for students. The next Tech Tuesday @2 is on March 1 in the Edmon Low Creative Studios (rm 105). Every event features tech related door prizes, and the March topic will be “The Skypes the Limit!”

You might even see some of the Her Campus at Oklahoma State team members there! Last month, we won a water bottle and a flash drive!

Hannah Littlefield was Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Oklahoma State University for 2 semesters, and she had an amazing team backing her up. During her time as CC, she also wrote for CollegeFashionista and her personal style blog, fefifofhannah.com. She will always remember the wonderful and unique team members she had at HCOS, and will cherish every memory.