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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Even though he says he is….


He goes out every night – without you.

I mean it’s great that he has friends – let him have friends – but if you have to beg him to spend time with you then it’s simply not worth it.


He doesn’t take you out.

His way of hanging out is staying inside and watching movies, which is nice, but it would also be nice to go out and do something.


He doesn’t ever make plans with you.

In other words, the only way you two ever see each other is when you tell him to do something with you. Then, you feel like you’re forcing him to hang out with you which is far from an ideal relationship. (Or, he does make plans with you but never follows through. Delete his number.)


He doesn’t show you off.

It is as if in his own little world, he makes it clear you two are together; but out in the real world, it’s like you two are complete strangers.  


He doesn’t make you feel special.

If he doesn’t make you feel anything – other than anger or resentment or disappointment – then quit torturing yourself.


If you have to constantly question everything, then at least answer the biggest question: Are you happy?