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My Five Stages of Grief from the 2016 Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

As election season is swiftly coming to an end, I still have some mixed feelings on the mess America has made within these past few months.

Here are the five stages of grief I am currently going through as a concerned American:



Stage One: Denial

With both Hilary and Trump heading in their parties polls early on, like many other Americans, I thought there was no way that both candidates would end up as their party’s nominees. Let’s just say I was in denial until March when the results of the primaries in 12 of the 50 states came in. 


Stage Two: Anger

Neither side has a candidate that hasn’t done or said something deplorable. I was frustrated with the lack of involvement in the primaries that resulted in Hilary and Trump as candidates. Anger, is by far the easiest stage to be in, especially when listening to the media. Trying to decipher what is true, embellished, or relevant, and then having to decided who is the lesser evil is not the way anyone should have to pick a candidate. It is enough to make anyone angry.  


Stage Three: Bargaining

I thought that if I put my effort into campaigning for third party options, or if I made people aware of the “none of the above” option, then as a result we wouldn’t be left with an unpopular choice for president. When that apparently wasn’t enough, I started bargaining with my vote. Mentally, I was begging the candidates to do something right, to stop being so unlikable so I could vote for them with good conscience, but both disappointed me in some way. 


Stage Four: Depression

With less than a month until we find out who will be our next president, I am sad that this as a country is where we stand. Where politics has become so unbearable, and how people in power can be so corrupt and selfish, and that we have a system that seems to be so distant from us, and what we want. Every time I turn on the news, it seems like nothing good is going on. Moreover, to be honest, the presidential debates are not helping with the sense of dread I am feeling. 

Stage Five: Acceptence

Though I haven’t hit this stage, I can only imagine what a relief it will be. Let’s just hope that on September 8 acceptance will kick in, and maybe it will last until the next election cycle when we can experience this mess America has made all over again. 


Junior at Oklahoma State University. English major on the pre-law track. Writes about political issues, policy, current events, 2016 US election, and other hard news topics. Follow me at HerCampus Oklahoma State!