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A Letter to Donald Trump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Mr. Donald J Trump, 

The election has ended and the candidate slander has stopped momentarily. However, why am I scared? Why do I feel like I have just watched everything my ancestors work for go down the drain in a 5 hour long broadcast.  I am scared of not only you and the way you speak. I am scared of your supporters. I hear you say back in the “old’en days” and my body starts to shake. My mind starts to spin and tears start to form in my eyes. In today’s world, we shout Black Lives Matters from the hill tops and you shout hateful speech. I watch how your supporters push and punch people of color.. Why don’t you stop it? Why? Why do you hate us so badly? I don’t understand why my skin color is hated so much. I do not think you understand how your hateful speech sends my mind into convulsions. 

You want to build a wall to control immigration and stop the “murderers and rapist” from coming to America? What about the murderers and rapist that are born in America? What about Brock Turner, how do you feel about him? He is a privileged white athlete from Ohio that raped an unconscious girl. He is what you should be defending the country from. What about Eric Couch? He killed FOUR people by drinking and driving and then ran away to Mexico which broke his probation. He is another image of a monster created by America. You have a problem with immigrants? Ask your wife what her immigration status was before she married you.  

“Make America Great Again”, you want America to be like the 1950’s. You want to feel superior to people of color. I refuse to let you take away any of my freedoms that were given to me by the United States Constitution. Mr.Donald J. Trump, you make me feel sick by the way you sexualize women. I already have grown up in a rape culture, but you have amplified rape culture by 10 %. As a minority and female, I am scared of you and your racist, bigot supporters. Many of your supporters have racist characteristics and instead of you not accepting it and telling them right, you allowed them to go on. God bless your soul Mr.Trump, I pray for you and pray God helps our country.