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8 Reasons Why a Young Engagement is the Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or stalking that cute guy that lives across the hall from you, you can’t deny that love is in the air.

I recently got engaged over Winter Break (in NYC… in front of the Rockefeller Christmas tree…* tears were shed…*). Ever since then, I have been flooded with equal amounts of words of excitement and encouragement, as well as shocked faces and passive aggressive comments about how young I am.

So, I’m here to set all the haters in their place. These are 8 reasons that I’m elated to be blessed with a young engagement.



1. Smaller Budget, Smaller Wedding

I don’t know about you, but growing up I always imagined my wedding like this: 950+ people, puppies as party favors, the Jonas Brothers for my wedding band. Although it’s sad to reimagine my dream wedding, as I begin to plan a REALISTIC wedding with a REALISTIC budget, I’ve realized that as fun as flowers, glittery dresses, and shiny diamonds are, the most important thing to plan for is the person next to you, and the family/friends around you! A limited college wedding budget has opened my eyes to the real ceremony necessities.


2. Time to Plan

Getting engaged young means I’m in no rush to have my wedding next month or even in the next year. I’ve allotted a pretty nice chunk of time towards really enjoying this stage of life with my fiancé WITHOUT stressing about the small things I need to plan.




Married in college = RIDICULOUS financial aid.

Seriously. If you’re worried about paying for school as newlyweds, talk to your financial aid office about loans/grants specifically for married students. (If you go to OSU, they also offer married student housing. #score)


4. Friends in All the Right Places

In just a few years, all of the amazing friends you made at parties, living greek, in class, or even in your dorms will be off living their own lives; some might even be out of state. My early wedding date almost guarantees that all these close friends I’ll want surrounding me on this special day, will be finishing out their final year of college in the same town as me. 


5. Honeymoon, Y’all

When will you ever have opportunities like Summer and Winter Break in your life once you have an actual full time job? Extended breaks offer time for longer and unrushed honeymoons. Two weeks on a beach? YES PLEASE!


6. Plenty of Time for Life

Just because I’m getting married, doesn’t mean I have to “settle down” or have kids right away. One of the HUGE benefits of a young marriage is the opportunity to just wait. We have plenty of time to find “real world” jobs, live in tiny apartments in new cities, move from town to town, and chase our true passions in each other’s presence. We’re in no rush to check off a list of “adult must-do’s”.


7. Besties for the Resties

I know everyone says to make friends outside of your relationships, but my fiancé is without a doubt, one of best friends. He’s always there for me with a hug, a laugh, or M&M ice cream. Why would I put off a marriage to my favorite person? I don’t want to live a day without him, so we might as well start with forever, today.



8. Experience the World Together

One of my greatest excitements about marriage is simply experiencing life with my fiancé. Through every trial and new discovery, we get to seize the day as a team. Through the hard days and the easy ones, new jobs, houses, vacations, pets, and eventually, kids, will all be with one person. Pretty cool, right?


If you’re in a relationship and ready to get married, but fear what people might say, let me be the first to say that it’s not going to be easy.

Many stressful tests may be in your future, but life sure is easier when you know that one-day, you’ll share paths with the love of your life.

Go for it. Seriously.