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8 Reasons to Room with Your Bestie in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Everyone says that you should not to room with your best friend in college, but no one gives an explanation as to why you shouldn’t?

So here are 8 reasons why you SHOULD room with your bestie!


1.You know each other like the back of your hand.



2.You tend to do laundry on the same days, so you’re not in the laundry room by yourself.




3.You don’t have to be embarrassed when wearing your pajamas.




4.You always have someone to eat dinner with.




5.You don’t have to fight over the television.




6.You have someone to keep you motivated.



7. You won’t have to go grocery shopping alone.


8. If you and your bestie are from the same town you can carpool home. ( and it saves on gas!! )



Rooming with my best friend this semester, has been one of the best decisions that I have made,

and I can’t wait to spend the rest of these four years with her!

I am a freshman at OK State! I currently dont have a major, but I am open to new and exciting things! I love to read, watch netflix, and every now and then ill write something.