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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Are you interested in taking photographs but don’t have a camera or any knowledge of how to edit photos? If so, you’re in the right place. Here’s a list of 5 tips that you can use to become the best photographer that you can be.

Tip 1: Experiment.

In most cases people who are starting out in photography do not already have a DSLR or a “point and shoot” camera to take photos with. If this sounds like you, go ahead and experiment taking photos with your phone. In the mornings on your way to class, take a photo of the sky behind your college campus; on your way home after class, take a photo of the nature around you. The more you experiment with taking photos, the better you will be at spotting those picture perfect moments you aspire to photograph one day!

Tip 2: Work towards saving up for a camera other than the one on your phone.

Money is a factor many people face when starting a new hobby. For example, if you want to start playing soccer, you’re going to need to buy cleats, shin guards, a soccer ball, and a few additional materials in order to play the sport. For photography, all that you need as a beginner is a camera. For your first camera you don’t need the newest Canon or Nikon DSLR, but a smaller point and shoot camera such as the Canon PowerShot or the Nikon Coolpix would be a good start. As you get more comfortable with photography, feel free to upgrade to a DSLR and eventually buy additional accessories for that camera such as new lenses, lens hoods, and/or an external flash. But for now, save up portions of the paychecks that you get from your part time job to go towards a nice new point and shoot camera that you can use for your new hobby of photography.  

Tip 3: Once you have the camera, go through the settings on the camera so that you fully understand how to operate it.

This tip is important in photography. Whether you’re just beginning photography or you’re a professional photographer, it’s important to fully understand the camera you’re working with. Every camera is different, but by researching the many features on your new camera, you may find a cool setting you really enjoy taking photos with!

Tip 4: Find editing software, apps, or websites that you enjoy editing your photos with.

Although Photoshop is a very good software for editing photos, it is not necessary to have, especially for a beginner. There are plenty of websites and apps that people use to edit their photos every day such as VSCO, PicMonkey, and Pixlr. (I have used each of these over time and I believe that they each are a perfect fit for beginner photographers.) Look up different apps and websites that fit the needs you are looking for so that you can use them to enhance your photographs.

Tip 5: Stay with it!

Photos are a way to capture memories that you will never forget. Anyone can be a photographer, but what will make your photos beautiful is the experience and knowledge that you put forth. Continually practicing photo taking and editing will eventually lead you to create beautiful pieces of art that you can keep forever. So, always remember to stick with what you’re doing so that you can become the best photographer that you can be!


There you have it! Take these tips with you to follow along your journey of becoming a photographer. Good luck!

I am a freshman at Oklahoma State University and I enjoy photography and spending time with friends!