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Living in an All-Girls Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Living in an all-girls dorm is a little different than living in a co-ed dorm. When I found out I was going to be living in Voigt Hall, an all-girls dorm, I was nervous about drama. When you have over a hundred girls living together, it seemed like it would be unavoidable.  I also envisioned everyone in my dorm being very social and becoming friends with everyone on my floor. While none of these necessarily happened, I have learned a little bit about what living with all girls is actually like.

The Pros

1. It’s cleaner. Boys are just messier creatures. It’s a fact.


2. If you aren’t a huge sports fan and can’t tell a field goal from a home run, you don’t have to constantly hear people talking about it.


3. You can walk around in baggy sweatpants and a ripped up T-shirt with no makeup without having to worry about running into that cute boy in your chemistry class.


4. You can blast Beyoncé before going out and no one will complain because they’re probably doing the same thing.


The Cons:

1. If you love watching sports, you may find a lack of people who love them like you do.


2. There aren’t any cute guys to talk to.


3. There is going to be some drama. With 100 girls living together it’s inevitable.

But we love it anyway!

Do you live in an all-girls dorm? Share your experiences with us @hercampusohiou!

Ohio University Class of 2018 | Psychology major West Virginia native now living in Athens. I love traveling, eating junk food and quoting The Office. You'll probably find me yelling at a TV while watching football. 
Emily is a junior and HCOU's campus correspondent and editor in chief! Check her out on Twitter, @edafffffron (five f's).