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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Name: Mike Goode

Hometown: East Grinstead, Sussex

Degree: Natural Science

Year: 4

Campus Involvement: Tennis team member

Dream Job: Be in a band

Personal Claim to Fame: I won an egg and spoon race once

Fun Fact: Your right lung takes in more air than your left one does

Favourite Food: Cheese 

Most Embarrassing Uni Moment: Wee’d in my chest of drawers while drunk and didn’t find out until 3 days later

Where can you be found on a friday night in Notts?: 16 Johnson Road

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Allie Pinder


Allie is a fourth year American Studies student, who returned from a year abroad studying at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she joined the Illinois Zeta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. She is the Social Secretary of the AmeriCan Society at Nottingham, enjoys travelling, and has a tiny obsession with the Lion King. 
Anna is a 4th year student at the University of Nottingham. She studies American Studies and completed a year abroad at the University of Illinois, USA in 2011/12 where she found her passion for Her Campus by working for Her Campus Illinois as a news editorial intern. After graduating, Anna wishes to pursue her dream of moving to London (or even the US eventually!) and working in something creative and fast-paced, whether it be editing, fashion journalism, PR or publishing. Hobbies (/obsessions) include fashion, shopping, traveling, music and, most importantly, food.