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Meet Lara Castellino!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Where are you from?

I’m from India, which is in Asia, which is far, far, away from here.

So, what was it like moving to Notre Dame?

It was not easy. I’ve lived in India for 18 years, and then to suddenly get up and move halfway across the world is not easy. I mean, it’s a whole different culture; I didn’t know anyone before coming here, but finding my place here wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I guess you build it up in your head, but the reality is not as bad as your nightmares. I really like Notre Dame because the people are really nice, and everyone is warm and welcoming. It doesn’t matter if you’re different – you will still fit in.

Was it a bit of a culture shock?

A big one! But it actually wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be.

What’s the weirdest thing about Americans?

Definitely the language.  I mean, the words you use, and the way you spell them…  You guys just completely disregard the letter “u”!

In the word color?

In a lot of words, yes!

Okay, other than our strange spelling habits, how are you enjoying your first year at Notre Dame?

I definitely love it here. It was a good decision to come here; my classes are intense, but the professors are really good.

What’s your major and why did you choose it?

Currently, my major is Neuroscience, and I chose it because it’s really interesting understanding how people think, and why they think that way. The first step in understanding a person is understanding how they think, and the ability to understand people is something that you can use in any aspect of your life.

What’s your favorite thing about Notre Dame?

The people!

What’s your least favorite thing about Notre Dame?

Just the fact that it’s so far from home.

Do you have any advice for the first-years coming to ND next year?

Just relax, and breathe. Life isn’t as hard as you make it out to be.


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Images provided by Lara Castellino

Hello, people of the internet! My name is Alexis, and I'm excited to share my thoughts with the wider audience of Her Campus! I have always loved reading and writing, but I am also a girl who loves dreaming, swimming, puppies, and amateur baton twirling. If I could be any mythical creature, I would be a mermaid, hands down; my favorite type of potatoes is hash browns, and my guilty pleasure television show is Pretty Little Liars. My writing will definitely reveal more about me as the school year rolls on.