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How to Balance Boyfriends and Best Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

New relationships are always fun and exciting. There’s that “honeymoon” stage of the relationship where all you want to do is spend time with one another, going on cute dates and posting the cutest pictures of you and your significant other on all social media. Unfortunately, sometimes we can get so wrapped up in the new excitement of it all that we sometimes abandon our friends. It’s our responsibility as friends, part-time therapists, secret keepers, and style consultants to continue to be around for our friends and not abandon them for our new beaus. So how do we do that?

Finding the Perfect Balance is Key

Although it may be difficult, you have to rip yourself out of your new “bae’s” arms every once and a while and go out with your bestie. If you’re going to have a movie date with your new boyfriend on Friday, then you should probably go out and spend some time with your best friend.

Take her for dinner and spend some extra quality time with her.  Let her vent about that guy that hasn’t texted her back longer than you would normally allow for her to obsess over. Meet your friend for a study date at Reckers on Monday and then go to a local concert on Wednesday with your new cutie.  Try and make it so that way one isn’t jealous of the time you’re spending with the other. Make your time together count! Quality time is and always will be better than a lot of pointless time spent together. 

Group Dates Rock Too!

You don’t have to be best friends with your boyfriend’s bros just as you shouldn’t expect your boyfriend to be best friends with your girls. However, bringing both groups together can be a really fun time! It would be super fun to have a boys-versus-girls bowling competition or some kind of group event! That way, you can spend some time with your boyfriend and spend time with your friends, while offering a chance for your friends and significant other to get to know each other. Do this once or twice a month. Who knows?  Maybe your friend will be interested in one of your boyfriend’s buddies! 

Spend Time Doing the Little Things

You may be spending more time away from your best friend, and your boyfriend may wish that you were there with them, but there are little things you can do to remind them that you love them. Take your BFF a coffee while she’s cramming for her next test. Bake your boyfriend a batch of cupcakes for winning his club soccer game. It does not have to be expensive or too time consuming, but just find a little bit of time in your day to remind the people in your life of how much you love and adore them. 

Having a new boyfriend is super fun, but sometimes the challenge of balancing your new life with your new love can be stressful.  It takes time, patience on all parts, and lots of reminders of how much you love one another.  Ultimately, once you find this balance, life can become quite blissful.   

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Images provided by author.