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Dorm Room Style: How to Personalize Your Living Space

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.


Even though the year is more than halfway over, it’s never too late to revamp your dorm room. If you live on campus, you know that you have to do whatever you can to make that tiny room feel like home. Depending on your roommate, you may be limited to your creativity. Additionally, you are limited with your masterpiece in order to preserve the rooms for the following years. Being a Lewis chick, I was not allowed to loft my bed this year. My roommate and I didn’t like the idea of bunk beds, so we had to get a little creative.

The first thing I made for my room (with the help of my parents of course) is a headboard. Something about a headboard makes everything feel more homey. It slides right in between the bed frame and the mattress. Could not be easier. Mine is a simple white fabric, but the possibilities are endless. My mom even sewed pockets into the back of mine so I can easily store things like magazines and books. It makes it really easy when I want to do some reading before bed. I like the pattern of this headboard and the monogram. This website contains a really helpful how-to.

If you’re looking for a way to instantly spruce up your room, then throw pillows are your best friend. I LOVE my throw pillows. People always ask me if they get annoying and the answer is sometimes. I tend to be very nit-picky about them being organized perfectly, so that can be a drag, but the overall look is worth it. Pillows are much cheaper than buying new bedding, so it’s a guilt-free way to mix it up. Mixing different textures and patterns is always fun. Plus, throw pillows are a great way to introduce a new accent color into your room!

Is it bad that I’m already looking forward to decorating my room next year? My first summer project is going to be to make a chair cover. I love working at my desk, but the chairs are so boring. I’m going to spice mine up with a cute cover like this. Again, the possibilities are endless with the fabrics, patterns, etc. Mine will definitely have a bow around the back like this one.

Dorm room decorating is a sure fire way to make your college experience more enjoyable. It’s where you live, so it’s best to make it you. It’s a place where you can let your personality shine through and display your interests. Even with all of the rules of dorm life, there are many ways to achieve the look you desire without breaking any of them. Remember, it’s never too late to spruce up your room!  


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Hey everyone! I love to write and cry over episodes of One Tree Hill (don't judge). My favorite things to write about are fashion and music. I am definitely an animal and plant lover. I'm a South Bend native so in a way, Notre Dame has always been a part of my home.