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Why Bro Blogger Mike Thinks You Should Avoid The Thanksgiving Hookup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Happy Turkey Day Ladies, 
            As you are all aware, Thanksgiving is the ultimate family holiday.  These four days off from the college lifestyle provide a chance to truly relax, hang out with the old folks and catch up with old friends.  This seems like the farthest thing from a hook-up culture.  Therefore, you are probably wondering why that guy you hooked up once in high school is looking to get together again.  To understand this, I must give you some valuable insight into the man’s mindset.  For guys, Thanksgiving is primarily about three things: food, football, and getting back together with the bros.  Thanksgiving is our little glimpse into heaven as we can eat as much as we want and watch football all day living the good life.  Two-thirds of our favorite things in life are present on Thanksgiving.  Only one is absent and this is sex.  Hence, it is only natural for us to seek the one component of nirvana that is not readily available on Thanksgiving and that girl we hooked up with at prom tends to be the most convenient option.  As an added bonus, if we sneak a quick hook-up in, it gives more to brag about when we go back and see our old bros. 

            Ladies, I beg you to not to fall victim to a guy that is simply looking to complete the food, football and sex trifecta.  Thanksgiving should be for family and close friends that really mean something to you.  Ignore the old flames from times past, they most likely pale in comparison to the guys in your life now anyway.  Go shopping with mom or catch a movie with dad.  Go out with your girlfriends and simply leave the hook-up text unopened in your phone’s inbox.  Spend these valuable four days with those you really care about and avoid becoming nothing more than something a guy can high-five his bros about.  
Sincerely as always,

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Casey Geraldo


Casey Geraldo is a junior at Northwestern University. She is journalism major, with a broadcast concentration, and a history minor.Casey coaches gymnastics, and in her spare time, she is usually babysitting, watching TV, eating candy and ice cream or spending time with the people she loves.Follow Casey on Twitter! @caseygeraldo