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You Know You’ve Lived in a College Dorm if You Can Relate to These 10 Things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

1. When the ‘all-you-can-eat’ dining area is right below your dorm building, you best believe ‘Freshman 15’ is happening.


2. Waking up in your morning mess and bumping into the cutest boy in the hall.


3, Realizing the elevators are the slowest thing in the world so climbing the stairs become the only exercise you get everyday…


4. Having to deal with the nastiness that is the communal bathrooms.


5. Becoming a pro at microwavable meals.


6. Trying to do laundry but there’s always that ONE person who leaves their clothes in the machines for literally an eternity.


7. Don’t be afraid if you hear something slam against your door at 1AM. It’s the lunatics racing their desk chairs as bumper cars.


8. Running into the same girl every week who’s sitting on the hall floor in her towel cause she locked herself out of her room AGAIN.  


9. The room that always has their door open with music blasting.


10. Realizing that the study rooms on your floor aren’t really used for studying but are lit AF.




Rehab Asif

Northeastern '20

Hi, My name is Rehab and I'm a junior at Northeastern University! I'm a Media and Screen Studies major with a minor in Experience Design. Live, Love & Laugh is the motto I always preach!