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The Struggles of Fall Registration As Told Through House of Cards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Whether it is your first time or not, fall registration at Northeastern can be quite the process. It all begins when the email announcing fall classes arrives in your inbox.

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About a week before you can register, your time-ticket arrives and the waiting game begins.

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But, due to your bad luck, the time is during class. Now you have to make the choice to either wait until class is over or to talk to your teacher and register (if they let you).

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Either way, it’s finally time, your CRNs are listed, your computer is open, and your fingers are ready.

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But, of course, it takes a few minutes for you computer to connect to NUwave and of course with all the programs you’re running, well…

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You have written in all the CRNs and clicked the register button. But wait, your favorite class is full and your backup doesn’t work with your schedule. Hope you can find a replacement.

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Now, a few months later, things seem to be going well; you’re enjoying the summer break when suddenly you get a notification–one of your classes was canceled. Time to choose a new one.

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With a new class chosen and summer almost over, you arrive back to Boston, whether on-campus or to your own apartment, and the final step of the process must be completed: I Am Here. Remember, if you don’t complete it, you LOSE everything.

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After talking to your counselor and sorting out a whole new schedule, you’re finally ready to begin your fall semester. Until next time…

                                                                                                                       Courtesy of Giphy

Xandie Kuenning is the Career Editor at Her Campus and a graduate of Northeastern University with a Bachelor's in International Affairs and minors in Journalism and Psychology. She is an avid traveler with a goal to join the Travelers' Century Club. When not gallivanting around the world, she can be found reading about fairytales or Eurasian politics, baking up a storm, or watching dangerous amounts of Netflix. Follow her on Instagram @AKing1917 and on Twitter @XKuenning.
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Emily Feltault


Hi my name is Emily Feltault and I am a rising sophomore at Northeastern University! I am one of the new Campus Correspondents for my chapter and am excited to get started!!