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Fifteen Reasons to Be Happy That Gilmore Girls Is Coming to Netflix

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Apparently, this month Netflix said “Oy with the poodles already!” to its users and decided to FINALLY stream all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls starting October 1. Now you can enjoy the popular 2000’s drama and all of Lorelai Gilmore’s fabulous life lessons whenever you want, but preferably while drinking coffee and wishing you were at Luke’s Diner. Here are some reasons why we should all be excited to get to revisit Stars Hollow:

1) Whether you grew up in the suburbs or an exciting city, there was always a little part of you that felt empty for not getting to grow up in Stars Hollow

2) We get to see Rory go to college and experience life challenges like the rest of us

3) Because Paris managed to always say what we were all thinking

4) Rory, Lorlelai and Paris are the definition of female empowerment. All of them achieve their goals on their own and even turn down men in order to chase their dreams at times

5) Now you can enjoy binge-watching all the episodes that featured Jess (a.k.a Rory’s true love and who was ten times better than Logan)



6) The “You’ve Been Gilmored” episode, featuring one of the best scenes in the show (hint: it involves shrimp)

7) The show often featured binge – eating while binge – watching TV, which makes you feel better about that fact that you doing just that yourself on a Friday night

8) Seriously… they just get it


9) The literary references

10) While Emily was insufferable at times, you couldn’t help but sympathize with her and subconsciously love her character

While she was often like this:

Sometimes she said hilarious things like this:

11) You get to see Melissa Mccarthy in a role where she isn’t cursing every other word or defiling a public bathroom sink

12) Seeing Lorelai and Sooki finally fulfill their career aspirations of opening their own inn, especially after Lorelai struggled to do everything herself her whole life, is inspiring enough to make you study for your upcoming exam instead of sleeping  

13) Watching Lorelai and Luke finally get together will be even better the second time

14) Because watching Dean reminds you of the creepy, clingy first boyfriend you had way back when, except now you can laugh about it

This should have been the first warning sign, Rory.

Seriously. Run.

15) And last, because Lorelai was simply the mother you always wished you had, and her relationship with Rory is the best mother/daughter relationship television has ever seen



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Morgan Weadock


Morgan is currently a third year at Northeastern University in Boston working towards a degree in Finance and a dual minor in Economics and Political Science. She is the co-president and Campus Correspondent for the Northeastern Her Campus Chapter and also involved with Alpha Kappa Psi and Streak Media. Morgan is originally from NJ and despite popular sentiment believes it to be the best state in the country. Her interests include cooking things that don't look as pretty as they did on Pinterest, reading while drinking tea, going to the beach, fitness and nutrition, and Netflix binging (: