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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Name: Elena Roffel

Hometown: Camarillo, CA

Year: Middler

Major: Marketing

Campus involvement: Club squash!

Favorite TV show: Archer, or anything with a serial killer

Favorite book: The Sports Gene by David Epstein

Favorite Boston location: Restoration Hardware (yes, I have a favorite spot and no, I’m not revealing my secret spot!)

Dream job: National Park Ranger

Travel bucket list: All of the U.S. National Parks!

Celebrity crush: This is the toughest question! Probably Matty Healy, even though he’s way too short for me.

Favorite cross-genre song mash up: Stayin’ Hot, a lobsterdust mashup (Nelly / The Bee-Gees)

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Jillian Ferrari


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Emily Feltault


Hi my name is Emily Feltault and I am a rising sophomore at Northeastern University! I am one of the new Campus Correspondents for my chapter and am excited to get started!!