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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.
Now-a-days the definition of feminism has become somewhat blurred and we tend to mistake it with rather negatives things! Some people may say that feminism is about being better than men. Others say that feminism is just an excuse for girls to stop shaving, be slutty or plain out immoral.
Fortunately, there are still some pretty smart and sane people out there. Here are just a few quotes, from men and women from around the world, describing how they see feminism.

What does Feminism mean to you?

Julien Fruchard – Paris, France
“Feminism to me is a movement that aims to establish gender equality in our society as far as professional, social, personal and all other aspects of life are concerned. Also I totally think Beyoncé is a feminist icon!”
Maria Alexandra – Bogotá, Colombia
“Feminism to me means that females and males can be treated equally in terms of culture and their profession.” 
Fatma-Al-manji – Muscat, Oman
“It’s about not being scrutinized for doing the same things guys do and get praised for.”
Ana Minjarez – Chihuaha, Mexico
“Being feminist should be for everybody not just women because I believe that my mom, my sisters, my aunts, and girlfriends should get the same treatment that I get.” 
Kevin Young – Córdoba, Argentina
So there we have it, folks. Basically, we just need to remember that being feminist is not a bad thing at all. It’s about supporting each other and wanting the best for everybody.


Fernanda Teixeira is a senior at New Mexico State University who is majoring in Mass Communication and minoring in Advertising/Marketing. When she's not running around on campus, you can usually find her in the corner shoving her face with jellybeans. Her favorite hobbies include talking 24/7 about her dog, showing people photos of her dog, and seamlessly fitting her dog into everyday conversations. Did I mention she has a dog?