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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Each day people awake with new challenges to overcome. With constant busy schedules, a busy family life and little to no time to stop and reflect on the importance in life, everyone loses sight of what is important now and again. With each Thanksgiving that rolls around, we see people all over the world take the time to send out the seemingly obligatory social media post showing gratitude for those whom they love and cherish. However, that is quite the opposite of what the true meaning of giving thanks is all about.

This Thanksgiving I challenge you to overlook the everyday hustle and bustle and focus on the true beauty the world has to offer: family, friends and those whom you surround yourself with. Instead of showing social media love, this time tell your loved ones in person to let them know just how grateful you are to have them in your life. 

This Thanksgiving I challenge you to think of not only your current situation, but of others as well. Not everyone is as lucky in this world. Walk in someone else’s shoes this holiday and chances are you’ll be look at your life in a new way, grateful for everything that you’ve been given.  

This Thanksgiving I challenge you not to take anything for granted. With everything going on in the world it is a fact that anything can happen. So, treat everyone kindly and live with no regrets. Don’t hold back from anything, especially from eating all the amazing food this Thanksgiving (definitely don’t hold back from that).  

This Thanksgiving I challenge you to be optimistic. Look at the world in ways you’ve never seen. Put down the cell phone and actually spend quality time with those around you or even enjoy some time to yourself. Hiding behind computer screens causes a consistent lonelies in people when they’re busy checking everyone else’s status’ and posts. With limited time on cell phones, you’ll have more time to notice the little, wonderful things in life everyone is always missing out on. 

As you gather around the dinner table with family and friends,  I challenge you to count your blessings. The food on the table, the roof above your head,and especially the people you have sitting next to you. Thanksgiving is a time to not only think of yourself and materialistic needs, but it is a time to give back to others and to show appreciation for everything you’ve been granted in your life. 

With this Thanksgiving challenge I hope you see the beauty of what the holidays are truly about, and take in each simple moment with gratitude.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving xo

Journalism Major at Montclair State University, Carrie Bradshaw wanna be ~ & proud supporter of messy buns and over sized sweaters.