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High School vs. College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

High School vs. College


For some, the transition from high school to college is a challenging one. Her Campus Montclair has listed some the obvious but crucial changes that you need to know about for a more smooth transition. It may sounds scary, but if you let it, college can be the best four years of your young adult life!



  • In high school, you address the teacher. In college, you address the professor. Even the word “teacher” will begin to seem foreign because the word “professor” is everywhere and will become a part of your daily vocabulary! 

Person 1: Who’s your professor for your 7 AM on Monday?

Person 2: Let me check my schedule. I forgot my professor’s name, but I know they got a good rating on RateMyProfessor so I didn’t mind that the class was so early.

         Person 1: That website’s genius. I always aim for the professors with red, hot peppers.

  • In high school, you know everyone in each of your classes. Maybe not all personally – but you at least knew them by name. In college, consider yourself lucky if you know even a few of your colleagues. “Stranger danger?” Not so much –  get comfortable sitting next to strangers of all different class years during those lectures! The upside of this is that there’s always an opportunity to meet someone new.
  • In high school, attendance is taken in each class. In college, attendance may or may not be taken. Of course this depends on your professor’s attendance policy, but you are encouraged to show up to class regardless!
  • In high school, your teacher reminds you of homework due dates. In college, your professor provides you access to a syllabus – this is your reminder for each and everyone of those assignments. Get acquainted with it!
  • In high school, you went to class from 8:00AM-3:00PM (or close to that time frame!). In college, your classes will probably be spread out throughout the day. Make good use of the gaps in between your classes! 


Imani is a full-time junior student attending Montclair State University where she majors in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. She is happy to be the Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the Her Campus Montclair chapter!
Jennifer is a Feature Writer for Her Campus Montclair and a junior at Montclair State University. Jennifer is majoring in nutrition with a concentration in dietetics with a biology minor. She absolutely loves to write and dance and enjoys expressing her creativity through writing and dancing! She recently began practicing yoga and she loves it very much. Jennifer hopes to become a Registered Dietitian and one day write for a health & fitness magazine. Health is very important to Jennifer and she wants to share her love of health and fitness with the world!