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Brandon Vigorito

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.


Brandon Vigorito is a 21 year-old Montclair student who is one of a kind. He is genuine and kind with everything he does, and is kind to everyone around him. If any of you ladies are keeping an eye out for Brandon on campus, just look for a tall brown eyed and curly head cutie!

HCM: Why did you choose to come to Montclair?

BV: Actually, I was pretty unsure about where I wanted to go to school. I couldn’t make up my mind about where I wanted to go so I just decided to stay close to home. I thought about transferring after my first year here but I decided to stay another year. I’m really glad that I decided not to transfer because I now I can’t picture myself anywhere else.

HCM: That’s great! I’m glad you grew to love our university. What are you majoring in?
BV: When I started school as a freshman, I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to be an economics major or justice studies major, but I decided to go with justice studies. 

HCM: What are some of your goals?
BV: Get into law school then make enough money to drive a Range Rover.

HCM: Are you single?
BV: Yes.

HCM: Are you looking for a girlfriend? Or are you happy being single?
BV: I don’t mind being single, but I’m definitely open to having a relationship.

HCM: What do you look for in a girl?

BV: I look for someone that’s fun to hangout with and is easy going.

HCM: What style do you find most attractive on a girl? 
BV: I’m not picky. I like something that is simple and cute, but nothing too over the top.

HCM: Do you have a favorite date location?
BV: No, I like switching it up.

HCM: Blonde or brunette? 
BV: Blonde.