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10 Signs You Know You’re A Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Whether you’re taking the hardest classes of your life or just floating through spring semester with fun courses, we all have these ten things in common during our last semester of college.


1. You’ve started the job hunt. Your parents are constantly asking you how many companies you’ve applied for, sending you emails with links to places they think you should look into, and asking if you need help with your resume.


2. Anything is more important than your homework. You find every excuse to put off doing your work, whether it’s that job search, spending time with friends, or just sleeping.


3. All you can think about is graduation. Whether you’re excited, nervous, sad, or a combination of every emotion out there, graduating is all you can think about. You associate every thought with the fact that this is your last semester here.


4. You cherish every minute. You adopt a ‘yogo’ mentality—You Only Graduate Once—so every second you have left at college has to be worth it.


5. You don’t dress to impress. Showing up to an 8:30 AM class on time is an accomplishment in itself, but no one should expect us seniors to look presentable at that hour. At this point, we feel as though the only people on campus who we’d want to impress are the ones who would never actually judge us.


6. You start to question your entire education. You never learned how to buy a house or pay taxes or function as a human being in the real world. What have they been teaching you this whole time?!


7. You wonder what’ll happen after May. Will you still see your besties all the time? How will you function without waking up in the same apartment as them every morning?


8. You start to love your campus a little bit more. You remember what made you want to attend this college in the first place, and always think about how much you’ve grown since freshman year.


9. The most important thing on your daily agenda is Netflix. There’s no explanation needed here.


10. You’re ready to take on the real world. Despite all of the signs that might warn you otherwise, you know you’re ready to run the world once you graduate doing whatever it is that you love!

My name is Kelly, I'm a senior at Montclair State. I'm an English major with a minor in journalism.