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Signs You’re Going Through a Quarter-Life Crisis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

According to The Boston Globe,  “The quarter-life crisis occurs in one’s twenties, after entering the real world.” Are you almost there? Watch out for these 10 signs:

  1. Relationships scare you more than they ever have before.
  2. You feel more pressure to be in a relationship than you ever have.
  3. You don’t know if you are annoyed with your parents or turning into them.
  4. You can’t decide if you are supposed to be getting your life together or having the time of your life while you can.
  5. You can’t decide if you should go overseas to explore while you’re young and it’s acceptable, or if you should focus on building your career early.
  6. You are losing friends because of different life directions.
  7. You realize that your circle of friends is becoming smaller and smaller. It might even just be you and your cat; the thing is, you might not even care at this rate!
  8. You don’t even know what to tell people when they ask what you want to do with your life; everything is too overwhelming. Explaining yourself might seem draining and pointless.
  9. You relate to John Mayer songs more than you ever have in your entire life.
  10. You can’t wait for the weekend; once the weekend gets here you end up laying in bed and staring at the ceiling.

We all are susceptible to a quarter life crisis in our 20s, because nobody has any idea what they’re doing. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others.

A writer and creator with a weird sense of humor. A big fan of the golden rule and an even bigger fan of the Blackhawks. Chicago-born, Mizzou-made. HCXO