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Kimmy K, Stop Taking Selfies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

If we have learned anything from Kim Kardashian’s terrifying robbery in Paris this past Monday morning, it is that she needs to stop taking FREAKING selfies. I mean, come on, don’t you have a whole book for that Kim? 

Yes, anyone would be freaked out if a group of five masked men bombarded into their apartment and preceded to tie the up, wrap their head in duct tape and lock them in the bathroom. No one in their right mind deserves that. It reminds me of a scene from a horror film. There have been numerous follow-up stories about it answering all the questions of “what will happen to her bodyguard?” and the “most critical” question of “will Kanye cancel his tour?” Well, “People Magazine,” I have another question that only Kim will be able to answer …

Why do we need to know who you are FaceTiming or what you bought at the grocery store that day? I know your life is always going to be 10 TIMES more interesting than the rest of ours, but I don’t even care what my roommates get at the grocery store half the time, so why should the world know what you got. Point blank, if I had to give one piece of advice to good ole’ Kimmy K, it would be to settle down on the Snapchatting and enjoy the moments of life by not recording them. I promise you in 50 years you won’t be kicking yourself for that one selfie you didn’t take when you were buying bread on a Tuesday afternoon in October. Maybe then, aside from the paparazzi, America wouldn’t know your every move.

I think if there is anything the rest of us could learn from this frightening robbery, it is that the next time you go on vacation, refrain from bringing any of your $10 million worth of jewelry. I know it is tempting to want to show off your bling bling at your next family reunion, but I think you will be just as satisfied with those fake pearl earrings that turn your earlobes a strange color.   

HC Contributer Mizzou