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How to Prepare for Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Finals week can be make it or break it for some people. It may seem like finals are a ways away, but they’ll be here sooner rather than later. Here are some useful tips for survival that will help you thrive during the most stressful week of the semester.

1. Get a comfort food stash ready. Your roommates might think you are preparing for a zombie apocalypse, but when finals week approaches you will have enough food to never leave except to go to your actual finals.

2. Slowly read every book for all of your classes. Starting to read little by little now will save you time later. Knowledge is power and the more random information you have from each of your classes, the more of an advantage you have when finals week arrives.

3. Do not procrastinate; it may seem like something you can’t control, but you can. Procrastination makes things much more stressful.

4. Caffeine pills and coffee will become a part of your closest circle of friends on finals week. Be prepared to overwhelm your body with caffeine for seven days straight.

5. Have someone hide your phone or change the password to your Facebook account for the week. Minimize the amount of distractions in your life. Phones are unnecessary when your semester’s work depends on one week of tests.

6. Set an alarm for every thirty minutes. What if you fall asleep and miss time you could have been studying? Or even worse, what if you miss your exam?

A writer and creator with a weird sense of humor. A big fan of the golden rule and an even bigger fan of the Blackhawks. Chicago-born, Mizzou-made. HCXO